The Atlanta Virtuosi

FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 / 7:00 PM.

Angela Peralta Theater



Juan R. Ramírez-Hernández, a central figure in the Atlanta music community, began his musical education in Mexico and continued in the United States with Joseph Silverstein and Henryk Szeryng. Winner of the Serge Koussevitzky and Leonard Bernstein awards, he has performed and directed in Europe, Asia, Israel and Mexico. Founder of educational programs such as Music for Success!, he has received numerous awards and honors for his musical contributions and excellence. A prolific composer, his works reflect the sounds of Mexico. A member of the Atlanta Symphony since 1974, he is also founder and artistic director of several musical organizations in Atlanta.

Angela Peralta Theater

82 Mesones,

Centro, 37700

San Miguel de Allende, Gto.


$500.00 General access.

$350.00 INAPAM / Students.

*Purchase online generates an 8% service commission.


  • Reservation: WhatsApp (443) 202 1277 |
  • Box Office: Angela Peralta Theater Offices.
  • Shop Evenbrite online.


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  • The Eventbrite fee is non-refundable.
  • Pre-sale cash purchases are refundable 5 days in advance, you can request them by email or by WhatsApp.



La Camerata Allende

Sábado 17 de Agosto
Teatro Ángela Peralta

Camerata Allende es un conjunto musical compuesto por 11 talentosos integrantes. Liderada por el maestro Adrián Barrera, quien también se desempeña como concertino en la Orquesta Sinfónica de Querétaro.

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Maribel Salazar-Toscano & Javier García-Lascurain

Sábado 3 de Agosto
Teatro Ángela Peralta

Javier García-Lascurain, pianista solista internacional, ganador del Concurso Estatal de Piano Esperanza Cabrera, estudió en la Universidad Laval. Maribel Salazar, soprano destacada, ha actuado en el Palacio de Bellas Artes y festivales internacionales.

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Ricardo Salinas & Carlos Arias De la Vega

Viernes 2 de Agosto
Teatro Ángela Peralta

Ricardo Salinas destacado guitarrista, estudió en la UNAM, recibió la medalla “Gabino Barreda” por excelencia académica. Carlos Arias de la Vega. Forma parte de la sección de primeros violines de la OFUNAM.

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